just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Liebster Award

I've done this once before, but Jazmine from Sassy Brunette opened it up to anyone that wanted to do it, and I feel like I've found a lot of fun, new blogs lately, and I want to give them the chance to do this too!

This one has different rules from the first one I did...

The rules are simple:

1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
2. Write 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate 11 blogs with 200 or less flowers. Notify them. ( You cannot nominate the person who nominated you)
5. Create 11 questions for those bloggers you've nominated to answer.

11 Facts About Myself

1. I am 22 going on 23, and unlike most young twenty-year olds, I am actually really excited to be almost 23. lol.
2. I love iced coffee. I'd rather spend 5-6$ on a fancy iced coffee then save money and get the crappy warm stuff.
3. I'm graduating May 4, 2013 (which just so happens to be on my mums birthday :] ) with myBCJ degree.
4. I'm incredibly unathletic and uncordinated. 
5. I hit my head at least once a week...Vince thinks I should get a helmet.
6. I will graduate May 2014 with a BSCJ, and hopefully a minor in biology.
7. I like eating raw cookie dough.
8. If it was up to me, Vince and I would pack up and move to someplace in Europe, and sleep in late, and sip on coffee   out on our beautiful balcony ;]
9. I have a problem over eating. I LOVE food. I will seriously eat until I feel sick, and then I'll lay around complaining to Vince when he tries to play around because I'm "SOOOO FULLL!"
10. I cant cook. 
11. I love the run down town I live in during school. Its small, and uneventful, with nothing but a Walmart for entertainment, and its full of random Victorian homes to catch my eyes.

Questions from Jazmine

1. What is your dream vacation?
A summer in Europe, spent seeing the views, and eating the local food, spending the afternoons sipping coffee, and experience life ♥

2. If you we're stranded on an island what is the ONE thing you would bring with you?
Tampons. Sorry, its the truth.

3. Favorite movie?
Far too many to pick from :]

4. What are you afraid of the most?
Failure. If I never make it to Wayne State and to the job of my dreams, I don't know what I'll do.

5. Dream job?
If we're playing pretend, Broadway actress, or running my own boutique/coffee shop.
Realistically? Pathologist Assistant....(hint hint Wayne State....make my dreams come true ♥ )

6. When did you start your blog and why?
January 1, 2012 although I didn't start getting serious about it till recently.
My sister Holly encouraged me to, and it seemed like the perfect venue to try and get the message out about the brand I'm trying to create.

7. If you had to choose one celebrity to have dinner with, who would it be and why? 
Ellen DeGeneres - shes an amazing and giving celebrity, and lets be honest, I'm a poor college student, she wouldn't let me go home without something to help me get into grad school or help pay for it.  

8. Do you speak another language?,
I took a semester in American Sign Language in College, I love it, though I'm not fluent.

9. What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?

1. Graduate from Wayne State
2. Take an extended vacation to Europe.
3. Own a Victorian home  
4. Have a beautiful craft room (perferably the one with the tower :] )
5. Marry Vincenso 

10. What is the one song that describes your life?

I could never pick one song...

The Show - Lenka - I stress out too much, I never quite know where I'm heading next, I need to slow down & "just enjoy the show"

Chinese - Lily Allen - I can't handle the distance between Vince and I during the summer. Or really during the day while I'm in class and he's teaching. It breaks my heart. I just want to spend all day with him.  I couldn't explain how perfect this would be if it were my everyday... " I don't want anything more, than to see your face when you open the door. You'll make me beans on  toast and a nice cup of tea (coffee), and we'll get Chinese and watch TV." 

11. What is your favorite social media?

INSTAGRAM. I check it nonstop. I can't help it. :]

My Nominations:

1. Holly from The Baby Steps Blog
2. Alicia from Home Sweet Home
3. Rachel from Rachbug's Ramblings
4. Kellene from This Lovely Little Day
5. Linny from Kangaroos, Shoes, and I Do's
6. Ericka from Hand Maden Goods
7. Danielle from A Stash Addict
8. Sarah from A Girl Smitten
9. Kiersten from Good Day Sunshine
10. Silver from A Silver Snapshot
11. Mollie from Light by Morning

Your Questions: 

1. What is your favorite coffe /drink?
2. What is your dream job?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. Favorite craft?
5. What is something you would love to learn?
6. Favorite article of clothing?
7. Song that describes your life?
8. Favorite book?
9. What is one opportunity you passed that you wish you would of taken advantage of?
10. Favorite card/ board game?
11. Where did you meet your best friend?


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and nominating me for the Liebster Award. And you're right, Ellen Degeneres is first choice! Happy Wednesday!

    1. You're welcome Silver! Hope you have a good afternoon !

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination!


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