just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Sunday, February 12, 2012

carrot scarf

This would be the new addition to the store inventory <3 yay for carrots! lol. I love it, but if I kept everything I made, this store will never open up, so it must go to the store inventory pile once I get back home.

I've started on the cheeseburger bean bag, but that'll take A LOT of time, so it will probably not be completed till the summer since I am so ADD about my projects. For now though, I have a flat circle done for one of the buns thats radius is about 5 inches. So it'll get there eventually :] <3
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Thursday, February 9, 2012

my obsession...

I did a post in January about my love for cheeseburgers and how much I adore them and love to wear them. Now my obsession isn't really something I hide, so lots of my friends and family know about my quirky love for cheeseburger items. Which led to my friend Kelsie finding my DREAM bed <3

YUP! In my eyes, this is pretty much perfection, and as Vince, his little brother Marco, Kelsie and I look for apartments and furniture to fill it, this would be my heaven. Though, sadly, its impractical. I can't expect Vincenso to want to sleep on/ in a cheeseburger, as much as i'd like to, and I'm sure I could convince him, it's just not very "adult" looking. 

We've fallen in love with an apartment and are waiting for a lease to be drawn up, and the place is just GORGEOUS. Really, for a first apartment, its crazy how nice it looks, and how stress free paying the bills will be. The appliances are all provided(and are very new), plenty of kitchen storage, a nice bathroom, room for a small dinning table, a cozy living room, and decent bedroom sizes, small laundry room. Its just not what you would expect to find 4 college kids living in, and that is why we love it. 

Since the apartment is so nice, Kelsie and I want to keep it looking grown up, but the boys are being boys and want to fill our little bit of wall space with UFC posters, which wouldn't be a big deal, but the living room and dining room really aren't that big. They're big enough, but two, maybe three of these posters tops would fit nicely on the main wall, and we do not want that to be the main focus of our living room since its the first thing you see. The more they argue for it, the more I sense us girls are going to lose the fight, so now I'm starting to push for my quirky tastes too, cheeseburger inspired ;] 

Right now the deal is that if they get the posters, Kelsie is decorating their room in purple cheetah print, and I'm making CHEESEBURGER PILLOWS for all the chairs and they MUST stay out at all times. I'm really excited :] ! Such a large list of crafting and DIY projects is being accumulated for this summer. Though I can't help but want to start on these pillows right away! So I'll probably start drafting plans for them soon, but right now, I'm anxious to get back to my crochet because I just started a carrot scarf last night and I'm anxious to finish it and I have a long ways to go :] 

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

busy busy busy!

Getting back to school was quite the reality check this semester. This winter break was the first break since I've started college that I believe I completely took the time to relax....maybe too much. I got too use to staying up late working on crochet and sleeping all morning, which is drastically different then my class, rehearsal and lab mornings that get me up early, and my work schedule that claims my afternoons, and the nightly study "dates" I have with Vincenso to keep up on our coursework, and have a little bit of alone time, even if its just us drowned into our computers and books essentially ignoring each other until 11 or midnight. Until this past weekend, I wasn't able to find proper time for my crocheting or the blog. But I now home to designate some of my weekend  time for that. At the beginning of the semester my weekends are busy but they slow down quick, after this coming weekend, I should only have rehearsal, and homework for the weekends usually. So now that I'm starting to get use to this new semester's course load and class schedule, there should be at least weekly updates occurring on the weekends. So I'll be back to updating more often here soon.

As far as the store, we're still pushing forward :] getting some of the bigger tasks done, and hopefully we'll have the website up soon, and the store will soon follow :] <3

thank you for sticking around while I figure out my new schedule! It's much appreciated!
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