just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Friday, March 9, 2012

Its Friday !

It's Friday, Friday, gotta go to the doctor's on Friday.....wait...what?

YUP. It's Friday, not only is it Friday, but it's the first day of my spring break, and I was up at 7:30 am in order to make it home in time for my doctor's appointment. Not exactly what I had hoped for my spring break this year, but life happens. As far as the doctor's appointment, a second verdict is in, and confirms the first, I have Vertigo. What I thought was a made up illness is apparently a lot more common than I had originally thought. Bad news, the medicine that didn't help much but made me sleep, is the best they can do for me, and I'm likely to get it again. Good news, the first time is generally the worst, and apparently it's already on its way out. So I guess it's safe to say I have a date with tylenol, and the couch for at least the next couple days.

In other news, I want to thank my awesome big sister Holly over at The Baby Steps Blog , for awarding me the Liebster  Award! What's the Liesbster award? Liebster apparently means dearest, beloved, or favorite, the main idea is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers, once you've been selected you have to:

1. Choose FIVE up and coming blogs to award the Liebster award to (must have less than 200 followers)
2. show your thanks to the blogger who gave the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. (uhm what? haha....I'm so new to the blogging thing....)
4. List the bloggers you are giving this award to with links to their sites.
5. Have fun and share the love :]

Now I'm still very much a beginner to this whole blog thing, and I'll probably still not know how to work things, or know what things mean (uhhh, bloPost? was that a typo? ...) a year from now, but I'm trying. Now onto giving away the award.

1. The Baby Steps Blog I love that my sister's blog allows me to keep in touch with her family even though they're so far away, I love them very much!
2. Starr Creations One of my partner's in crime when it comes to trying to get this store up and running, check out her blog to see progress with the store/website as well as product pictures :]
3.A Granny A Day Okay, so I don't know how to check her number of followers(...or the next two blogs...) and the site might not be very active now, but I think the idea behind this blog is terrific! It follows an on going project of 365 different granny squares, and to any avid crocheter, the inspiration is endless!
4.Crafty Minx another blog that offers me inspiration when it comes to crochet, the blog even offers a crochet school for those wanting to learn, which I think is a very sweet idea.
5. The Small Things Blog as a licensed cosmetologist, I can't get enough hair, makeup, and nail pictures with new ideas and up coming trends, and this blog has a bunch of hair ideas!

Alright, as my headache sets in again, I think it's time for a break, maybe a nap...and hopefully some crochet later in the evening. Besides missing Vincenso already, this break is just what I needed <3


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