just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Thursday, January 5, 2012

packing up books

I didn't find time today for any pictures sadly, I was up late, and ended up sleeping all morning. : / I really hate when I do that, but when I finally got around to things today, I was organizing. I'm a bit of a pack rat, I'm just like my father in that way sadly. So since I'm only home for a little over a week before school starts up again, I figured it was time I start getting some things organized and packed up for when I graduate next year and, GULP, move out on my own. Its crazy because I feel like I just started college, and I know when the time comes and I'm looking back, its still going to feel like it was just yesterday when a scared little girl moved to TU for the first time. I know packing up now to most people will sound way too early, but I'm only home for Thanksgiving and Christmas during the school year, and if I don't stay in Columbus this summer, and I'll still be very busy with classes and an internship and a full time job, so honestly, I didn't start soon enough! Today I went though all my old Cosmetology stuff and the class stuff I kept here from the last two years. So now all my science info and papers, and all my class stuff from cos school are organized and in a box for the attic till I get my own place. It was actually kind of sad going through my things from cos school. It just makes me wish I had the time to get back into to it.

crochet update : I'm trying a new pattern for a slouchy beanie. lets hope it comes out nice :] I'm also working on getting a mini photo shoot together for right before I go back to school. I have a lot of my stuff shot already, but I want to get more models wearing different things. Luckily, I have a great photographer as a little sister, and she has lots of friends :]


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