just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Today I did a bunch more cleaning since I'll be heading back to school this friday.  I've made several donation piles and will be taking them tomorrow. My family is always telling me that I have WAY too many clothes, so I narrowed down my closet some, and will be taking some things to Plato's Closet, and a lot to goodwill. I'm hoping to make a t-shirt rag rug out of some of the shirts I'm getting rid of, so hopefully it will go well and i'll put a tutorial up on here :]  But anywho, tomorrow will consist of running errands to donate, and hopefully finding some good stuff to organize some more of my craft stuff. But for now I'm gonna spend the rest of the night relaxing with a skein of yarn and my favorite crochet hook. It's been a long day. :]

if life was perfect.....

my yarn stash would look like this <3


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