just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Monday, July 15, 2013

Insta-lately Update

ONE- Cute picture of Vince, Ava and I at my sister Alicia's during their visit. 
TWO- Vince and I at the wedding this weekend :]
THREE- The delicious starbucks coffee I got the morning of the wedding. 
FOUR-Jenna and I getting spoiled on the way to amish country.
FIVE- Crochet, snacks, sunglasses, and car sick medicine on the way to amish country.
SIX- Day eight of the yoganster challenge on instagram. 
SEVEN- A quick glimpse of Vince failing to spot me correctly during a yoga move!
EIGHT- After going to the brewery with holly's family, Vince, Dad, and Steve decided they were Yogis. 

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