just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Monday, March 5, 2012

sick :/

As soon as I thought I found the perfect time slots to work on the stuff for the store, I get sick. Not just sick, but the kind of sick that lingers for weeks :/  So I am finally going to the doctor after 3 weeks so I can get better, and  start working on some fun stuff, like that cheeseburger beanbag I have my heart set on ;]

I really thought we'd have the store up and running by February, but after winter break, real life got in the way, but with spring break right around the corner, I am confident Dalana and I will be able to get back to pushing forward full speed when it comes to the site, and the store. I'm not even healthy yet, and I'm feeling completely rejuvenated just thinking about having a full week's worth of time to dedicate towards finally getting the store up and going.

I'm incredible anxious for the minute that the site/store goes live, and our stuff is finally out there in world, for everyone to enjoy :]


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