just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Thursday, February 2, 2012

busy busy busy!

Getting back to school was quite the reality check this semester. This winter break was the first break since I've started college that I believe I completely took the time to relax....maybe too much. I got too use to staying up late working on crochet and sleeping all morning, which is drastically different then my class, rehearsal and lab mornings that get me up early, and my work schedule that claims my afternoons, and the nightly study "dates" I have with Vincenso to keep up on our coursework, and have a little bit of alone time, even if its just us drowned into our computers and books essentially ignoring each other until 11 or midnight. Until this past weekend, I wasn't able to find proper time for my crocheting or the blog. But I now home to designate some of my weekend  time for that. At the beginning of the semester my weekends are busy but they slow down quick, after this coming weekend, I should only have rehearsal, and homework for the weekends usually. So now that I'm starting to get use to this new semester's course load and class schedule, there should be at least weekly updates occurring on the weekends. So I'll be back to updating more often here soon.

As far as the store, we're still pushing forward :] getting some of the bigger tasks done, and hopefully we'll have the website up soon, and the store will soon follow :] <3

thank you for sticking around while I figure out my new schedule! It's much appreciated!


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