just a college girl trying to figure out life...follow my adventures as the creator of a handmade accessories line ❤

Monday, December 31, 2012

What a Wonderful Year!

As the year ends, many of us can't help but think about the beginning and all the lovely, and sometimes not so lovely, things that have happened in between. I just would like to take an opportunity to revisit some of my memories from the last year!

One of the biggest things this year, was starting my own business!!I am now the proud owner of chelseaMADE!  My blogging skills could use some help, and there's a lot of things I hope to achieve with it in the future, but for just starting, I'm proud of it, and I can't wait to watch it grow! :] I'm proud of the 47 posts I've made and hope I'll do even better in the incoming new year!

This year I saw my first EVER college 4.0! I couldn't be prouder of myself! Definitely one of my greatest accomplishments!

In the last year I got to take part in two awesome shows with The Dragon's Den Players at TU.

One being Get Witch Quick, as an old women hybrid of two parts (we had to cut a female during production and I took on her lines as well, in my role of "Miss Wisk")

and Exit the Body as Jenny, a ditsy, and sometimes rude house maid, with a secret of her own at the end of the show ;]

My sisters and I also all donated our hair this year in honor of our aunt Rhonda! Who we all love and miss everyday <3

Last, but definitely not least, I started my last year of Undergrad classes. One part of me is shouting, "YES! I'm finally a senior! look at me, I'm educated and about to be released on the world! BEWARE!" and the other part is wanting to crawl back in bed and hide from the incoming next year as I think "holy crap...I'm graduating next year, but I just started....where did all the time go?! I  want a do over! I'm not ready yet! "

So many opportunities have come and gone, and through the years I've readily jumped at some, while eagerly, and sometimes disappointingly passed on others. I know a lot of the decisions I made in my first two years sometimes weren't possibly the ones I should of chosen, they led me to disappoint, and missed opportunities, and honestly if I could have pulled my head out of my butt I probably wouldn't have made them. When I got to school, I wasn't ready, still looking at my Junior year I wasn't ready. Everything scared me, and the person I was then, just didn't enjoy college. Some people college is the best time of their lives, but for me, even though I was the typical age of 18, college just wasn't for me. I look back now and think, if I could start college as I am now, I'd have fun. I've grown into myself, and at the same time I know there's still plenty of room to grow, and I can't help but be excited for that. But now I'm almost done, and I am an adult. I have bills, and responsibilities, and a scary unknown future that's coming at me fast. I just wish I could of known then, what I know now, so that I could of enjoyed my time spent here more to the fullest.  Yet, even though I look back and think that there is so many things I wish I had done differently, opportunities I wish I had passed on, so I could of jumped on others, chances I never took, and chances I definitely shouldn't have taken, I'd have to say, if given the chance, I'd be too scared to change a thing.

I wish I would of experienced less of what I did, and more of what I hadn't, I wish I would of taken opportunities and studied abroad and seen the world, I wish I would of stressed less, and realized what was really important, and simply just have fun. But even though I'm terrified of what the next few years could bring, whether Vincenso and I will be in Tiffin the next few years, or whether we'll be relocating, whether I'll get into the grad program my hearts set on, and many other scary chances and decisions I'll face, I'm happy I'll get to face them with him<3 As cheesy and hopeless romantic as that sounds, that's the only thing that can ever help me take a moment and just BREATHE, knowing what ever comes, or doesn't come, I'll be okay, and thankfully, he'll be there to hold my hand the whole way,

  and THAT'S why I'd be too scared to change anything from my past, in fear that I might not have met him <3

(note: I would of posted another picture, perhaps one with more clothing then swimsuits... but this is the only one we have from when we met and that was just such a perfect day.)
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Resolution Update

If any of you started reading my blog way back in January of this year, or have just browsed through the past posts since you've started reading, you'd know that this year I had made a resolution to myself. I wanted to create at least, 52 different projects within 52 weeks. Giving the fact that my store hold 50 items, and I've sold many outside of my store, and I have too many products to list in my store still, I'd say my resolution was a success! :]! Im young, so I haven't made very many resolutions, and as far as the ones I can remember making, this is the first time I have ever succeeded! I did really well in my own opinion. I'd love to show you every piece I made this year, since I failed at post each product/project like I had hoped I'd have time for, but that would just be photograph OVERLOAD! and not only do I not have pictures of every single item, but I also just don't have the time to do the editing and uploading of every thing I've made this year.  So instead, I'll direct you to my website, where you can check out a lot of items that didn't make it to the blog this year, as well as my instagram (refer to the instagram page on the blog, or view a few recent images to the right in my instagram widget ...)

Now instead of leaving you completely high and dry when it comes to images, I thought id share my favorite item of this year, that many have complimented, and my own aunt actually ended up purchasing from me at my first craft show :]

It was a beautifully hand crocheted cowl done in an absolutely GORGEOUS grey yarn that was just to die for! So incredibly soft, I almost kept the item for my self, but I figured it was so beautiful, it needed to go in the store so that people that can't DIY, could enjoy something beautiful too <3
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas and New Years Vacation

I just wanted to thank everyone on such a lovely year, I'm proud of my 8 followers! Thank you for following my blog and my journey through starting a small business, and my resolution of 52 projects in 52 weeks. I know I did well over 52 projects, and you can look forward to a post that recaptures some of the excitement from my resolution!

That being said, Christmas is about giving, and spending time with your loved ones! I'm choosing to "go on vacation" from the blog, and the store, and working from now till the new year so that I can spend some much needed time with my family and loved ones.

I'm wishing you all a very happy holidays, and hope you're as excited as I am to start a new year with such exciting things to look forward to! God bless!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Aftermath of Winter Wonderland event post

After doing so well in our first craft show, I guess we had too high of hopes going into the second craft show.  We both only sold ONE item a piece. ONE! Excuse my languange, but WHAT THE HECK! lol. I did secure a few emails though for the email list I'm building for announcements such as new product lines, sales, and events that I have coming up. So that was a positive I suppose! But with what a disaster this event was, I definitely learned a lot.

Possibly the most important point to mention is:


Dalana and I are new to this, like I said, this was only our second event. That being mentioned, the fact that this was the FIRST Winter Wonderland event for a craft show, didn't concern me till probably the day or two before. This event was one of the many that Dalana had found and I guess neither one of thought about it, but I'll definitely think twice before joining a first time craft show again. The event coordinators just didn't seem to have enough advertisement for the show, we found that very few people knew that there was a show, and the people that had come for other event activities weren't interested in shopping around the stalls.

A second note would be perceptive about your booth area allowance.


They gave us what number of tables they recommended, and we just went with it. Not only was the space not big enough for the two of us, but the tables they suggested for one booth, was too many for a proper set up in the amount of space. Possibly another note for this area would be to really brainstorm on how to properly display your items, the mix up with the booth size and tables threw me for a loop, and then I had some difficulty trying to display my items in a nice way to show off all their beauty! I am definitely going to spend more time preparing and possibly making a few custom display pieces for my works.

On another note, I'd like to say a few words on generosity.

The booth next to ours was a family, their mom baked cookies, and the father and kids sold them at various shows like the one I attended. The first night the boy came over several times looking through all our items and finally I asked him if he was looking for something special. The darling child was looking for a present for his little sister. Naturally Dalana and I set out to help him then. He settled on a headband from Dalana and went back to his booth while we just stood their, warmed by such a loving action by such a small child. The next day, As I set up the booth, the little girl had come to help her family, but ended up over in my booth keeping me company while she played dress up with some of the items. Of course she was absolutely adorable, and warmed my heart just as much as her brother had the night before. Over the next couple hours I noticed she became hooked on my elf hat, and kept asking her father for money to buy it. Knowing her brother bought her an item the day before the dad kept declining. The night went so terribly slow I ended up packing up an hour early, but I found myself avoiding packing that elf hat she had her heart set on. So I decided to quietly slip it to her father without her knowing so she could be surprised Christmas morning. Being as sweet as his children were, he kept trying to get me to take money for the item, but I couldn't, my heart was set on giving that little girl a special surprise on Christmas, and after refusing money several times, I decided to let him talk me into taking a set of sugar cookies as a trade. I figured why not? His son can have another gift for his baby sister, and my dad can eat himself to a tummy ache on some more sweets :]!

I know my retelling of the story doesn't nearly capture the holiday spirit, and love that we had been filled with by the presence of these two kids, but they definitely reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas, and it was beautiful to see someone so young understand the gift of giving!
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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Exams- Blog Vacation

Hey guys, I know my posts lately have been lacking, but after Christmas I'll be able to post a few pictures from projects lately that I couldn't before, that being said, this week I'll be busy with my final exams for the Fall semester of 2012 and preparing for the winter wonderland this weekend! So i'm going on a blog vacation, and i'll be back for a little while before going on "Vacation" again for time with the family and Vincenso during Christmas.

Wishing you all good luck in whatever is keeping you busy this week!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter Wonderland Event Announcement!

This week I'm announcing that chelseaMADE and StarrCreations will be at the Winter Wonderland Event!
Stop by for some lovely handmade goodies to stuff your stockings! ;]

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